Category Archives: News

News about the College Advisor of New York, College presentations by New York’s College Counselors

Client Scholarship For College Advisor Clients

The College Advisor of New York Scholarship

In celebration of our 15th year helping students and parents through the college admissions process, The College Advisor of New York, Inc. announces a scholarship to be used for college or graduate school during the 2019-2020 academic year.  In an effort to thank those who have entrusted us to provide college admissions counseling this one time award is only available for our current or former clients.

GPA (High School or College)
Official High School or College Transcript
SAT or ACT scores
Leadership in the community
Service to the community
Attendance at a 4-year college or university/graduate school
Completion of a 400 word essay about the student’s view of education
Questions and inquiries should be directed to Erin Wheeler at:

CANY Scholarship 2018-19

Please click the link above to download the application.  All materials must be completed and postmarked by April 1, 2019 and sent to:

The College Advisor of New York, Inc.
18 Corporate Woods Blvd.
Albany, New York  12211

One More College Visit?!  Yes! And This Is The Most Important One

The scoop on Admitted Student Days

By Deb Coco

The February doldrums are for real in the lives of high school seniors.  The applications were submitted long ago and the waiting is now all but agonizing.  It does feel like a helpless few months, but the window is closing on the letters you’ve been waiting for and over the next 2-4 weeks, things will begin to solidify.

College acceptance letters are exciting; you’ve worked hard for them!  I still remember the days my daughters opened theirs, and I now love receiving “I GOT IN!” emails from my current students.  All our work comes full circle.  But that “fat” envelope contains more than just your letter of acceptance.  It possibly has merit scholarship or financial aid information, but there also may be something else inside:  a postcard about something called “Accepted Student Day.”

This often gets tossed aside with the envelope in all the excitement.  You KNOW college “X” is the school of your dreams so why would you visit AGAIN?  Enter a letter from college “Y” with not only an acceptance, but a fairly substantial scholarship.  As Dean always says, “it’s nice to be wanted” especially with a merit award that will defray the cost of your overall tuition.  Dream school “X” provides nothing, (but it is your #1 choice) and school “Y” offers both but it was lower down on your list.  What they both offer is a chance to level the playing field by opting IN to their Accepted Student Days.

Most every college holds these visit opportunities in March or April and they are not to be missed; we cannot stress that enough.  These are the days when schools welcome back their admitted pool of high school seniors so you are able to take another look with a fresh set of eyes.  And believe me, the college will look different in the spring . . . there will be Frisbee on the quad, the campus will be buzzing with activity, and you will know you are just a few months from possibly being one of those students – it is intoxicating.  From personal experience, Admitted Student Days played a crucial role in 2 of our 3 daughters’ school choices; they had great options and were just “betwixt and between.”  Some colleges just knock this day out of the park.  They roll out the red carpet, open the athletic buildings, dining halls, auditoriums, dorms AND will let you attend lectures.  This was ultimately what swayed my children: hearing from some top faculty in their fields of study.  They left knowing “if I might be in that professor’s class, this is where I want to be!” What a WONDERFUL feeling.

So, yes, it is one more college visit and it can be time consuming.  However, you are looking at 4 very expensive years and you’ve worked hard to get this far; it is worth taking the time to truly seal the deal with confidence.  I’ve heard more than a few stories from students who have met their freshman roommates during these days . . . they are well attended and worth it.  And, on the flip side, you might find out that a school you thought looked incredible in November, has lost its bloom – this happens too, so it is never time wasted!

We are closing in on the final agonizing weeks.  Hang tight, think positive, and do not toss out that Admitted Student Day postcard!



Tune In To Life Happens Radio this Saturday

Set Your Graduates Up For Success

Upcoming Show – Saturday, June 3

Lou Pierro and Dean Skarlis


As we celebrate the achievements of our high school graduates in June, families should also be laying the groundwork for their child’s legal transition to adulthood. Tune into Life Happens Radio on June 3, when Lou Pierro will be joined by special guest, Dean Skarlis, President of The College Advisor of New York, to give you essential planning steps that will set up college-bound children and young adults for a secure future.

From a financial and admissions perspective, you’ll learn about HIPPA regulations and the need for your child to sign a waiver so that parents can discuss health care and disciplinary violations with a college. Dean will also cover factors that affect the admissions process, selectivity and cost, and Lou will give pointers on establishing documents like a basic will, trust and powers of attorney for a young adult.
Baby Boomers, upcoming high school graduates and college students shouldn’t miss this timely topic, sotunein to Life Happens Radio, when Lou and Dean will take your calls live from 11am-12pm on WGY.


Decisions, Decisions!

By Deb Coco

It’s finally that time of year.  Our students have visited, visited again, applied and of course, WAITED.  May 1 is just a few weeks away.

If you are like most students, you’ve received offers from several schools and now it’s time to buckle down and weigh your options.  It’s more difficult than it seems, because all schools are not created equal.  And most likely your offers are not either.  Some schools may have given you some financial aid and others possibly merit scholarships.  Often the “dream” school didn’t offer money, but the safety did; do you choose the school with “cache” or do you take the money and run?  So many factors go into deciding which college or university to attend and you’re wise to mull it over.  Here’s some tried and true advice about how to weigh this decision, which is possibly the biggest of your life thus far!

For most students in 2017, money matters.  Even if you were not a financial aid candidate, it’s hard to turn down a large (or even small) merit scholarship.  Keep these facts in mind:  merit money is yours, it’s an award based on your academic achievement and you should be proud of it.  You will also not be required to pay it back – which is extremely enticing in today’s world of trillions in student loan debt.  However, financial aid is the name of the game for a huge pool of students and some of it WILL have to be repaid.  Whether your package involves loans, grants, work study, or a blend of the three, once you graduate they become your first mortgage.  So, the bigger the loan the more weight on you to be quickly and gainfully employed upon graduation.  Consider this when making your choice; what does school “X” offer students in terms of job placement?  Every college and university has a department of career counseling and some are better than others.  Check into it and see what alums have to say about this important factor.  Career counseling offices “should” post their statistics on job placement and be there to answer your questions; if they are not, buyer beware.

There is also much talk about “fit” and with good reason; there are thousands of colleges and no two are alike.  After acceptances go out, so do “Admitted Student Day” invitations.  Don’t turn these down or think you already know everything there is to know about a school; if possible, take the time to attend these special days.  Schools roll out the red carpet for their accepted students and you’ll have the opportunity to be much more intimate with faculty and students than on your initial campus tours.  One of my daughters was extremely perplexed about her final decision and the accepted student day at her university “knocked it out of the park” and cinched it for her.  They are valuable opportunities to make a final evaluation and should definitely play a role if you’re on the fence!

And last but never, ever least; I’ve always believed there is a case to be made for trusting your gut.  I tell students that their feedback on schools is based on that “gut” reaction they have when they step onto a campus.  Do these students look like people I’ll feel comfortable living with for four years?  Is the physical campus one that excites me?  I love schools with an “old” feel; I’ve had students feel exactly the opposite and want a modern, “techy” like vibe.  These factors, and others, matter; pay attention to them.  Other issues may need to matter more, but if all else is equal, there is a case to be made for choosing what feels “right.”

It’s more likely than not that you will ultimately end up where you’re meant to be.  However, it took a long time to visit, study, take those SATs, write your essay AND apply; don’t jump the gun on the biggest part of all.  Most importantly, congratulations!  You’ve completed the most difficult part – now enjoy your success.

Attend Dr. Skarlis’ course: “Finding The Right College At The Right Price” – Wednesday, March 22 6:30 pm

Register today for Dr. Skarlis’ Continuing Education Course “Finding The Right College At The Right Price” – at Shenendehowa High School on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm.  Dr. Skarlis will discuss how to begin the college search, maximizing scholarships and financial aid, the most important factors admissions officers consider when admitting applicants, the SAT/ACT and more.  Course cost:  $15.  Click below to register!

Choose the Right College – At the Right Price!

Join Dean Skarlis, President of the College Advisor of New York, to discuss college admissions and financial strategy. Dr. Skarlis will be sharing his insight on how to find the right fit college, and how not to empty your bank account doing so! Parents of high school sophomores and juniors are encouraged to attend.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Voorheesville Public Library
At the Library Community Room

To RSVP, contact Kathleen Tyrrell at (518) 785-2791 or email at

Join Dr. Dean Skarlis on Finding the Right College at the Right Price

Dr. Dean Skarlis of The College Advisor of New York will outline the steps you need to find a best fit college. Some of the topics he will cover are: the top five factors colleges look for in applicants; the financial aid process and strategies to reduce college costs; rankings/schmankings: understanding why “fit” is critical;  SAT/ACT strategy; how to make the most of college visits; writing the essay…and more. The information and handouts you will take home from this presentation will help you in your child’s college search.

Dr. Dean Skarlis, The College Advisor of New York
High School West Building, Room 50
Tuesday March 24
$15 admittance fee

For parents of high school sophomores and juniors.

“Planning For Prosperity” Radio Show with Mike Brown

Listen to Dr. Dean Skarlis and Mike Brown of Madison Wealth Managers on the “Planning For Prosperity” radio show on February 22, 2015. They will be communicating the latest trends in college admissions and financial aid. They will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages college applicants face as they seek out the “right fit” school.

Sunday, February 22nd
Madison Wealth Managers WGY Radio
“Planning For Prosperity” Radio Show
Focusing on college admissions and financial aid!

Tune in for the valuable insight and advice provided by Mike Brown and Dr. Dean Skarlis on Sunday!

Don’t Miss Dr. Dean Skarlis Speak on College Planning

The Society of Financial Service Professionals (SFSP) of ENY is hosting an evening with Dr. Dean Skarlis, of The College Advisor of New York, in which he will provide his insights on the college selection process. The event is open to all SFSP members and their clients and is a great opportunity for Chapter Members to provide extra benefits to those clients who may have children approaching college age.

Light refreshments will be served; hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 14th
6:00 – 7:30 P.M.
Italian American Community Center
Dante Room
$20 for Members & Client Guests
$35 for Non-Members

Dr. Dean Skarlis, President of The College Advisor of New York

Dr. Skarlis will outline the steps you and your clients need to find the best fit college. Some of the topics he will cover are:

  • The top 5 factors colleges look for in applicants
  • The financial aid process
  • Proven strategies to reduce college costs
  • Rankings/schmankings: understanding why “fit” is critical
  • SAT/ACT strategy and the NEW SAT
  • How to make the most of college visits
  • The importance of the essay

For more information on Dr. Dean Skarlis, please visit the College Advisor of New York website.

For further questions regarding this event, contact Melissa Shriver at

More about Dr. Dean Skarlis

Dr. Skarlis is the President and founder of The College Advisor of New York. Dean has more than 23 years of experience in higher education, including 6 years as a Consultant at American College Testing (ACT) and 9 years as an administrator at Duquesne University and the University of Pittsburgh. A passionate student advocate, Dean has taught at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and has served as a Senior Lecturer at Tiffin University. He holds a B.A. in Psychology from Allegheny College, an M.A. in Psychology from Duquesne University, and a Doctorate in Educational Policy and Administration from the University of Pittsburgh. Dean also earned a certificate from the Harvard University Institute on College Admissions. His research has focused on quality teaching and learning, retention, and program design at four-year colleges. He is a member of the National Association of College Admissions Counseling and the Independent Educational Consultants Association.
Dr. Skarlis has conducted presentations about college admissions for thousands of students, parents, faculty, and administrators at more than 220 colleges, universities, and high schools across the United States. He has also been a featured speaker and trainer for hundreds of families, financial planners and Certified Public Accountants on the intricacies of college financial aid and scholarships. Nationally, he has appeared on ABC World News and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal twice, and most recently. Locally, he has been a featured guest and member of the “Answers Team” on CBS 6 WRGB TV, WTEN TV, Fox 23 News, and the YNN – Channel 9 “Family Living” segment which is broadcast across upstate New York. He has been quoted in several local and national publications including an article in The Washington Post entitled, “The Dirty Little Secrets of College Admissions,” The New York Post, The Times Union, The Associated Press, TheStreet.Com, and Capital Region Living Magazine, as well as The Portable Guidance Counselor, a book about the college admissions process published by The Princeton Review in 2010. Dean also serves on the Board of Directors of the Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber of Commerce and the East Greenbush-Castleton Youth Baseball League. In his spare time he coaches Little League Baseball and Pop Warner Football in the community of East Greenbush, NY.

The College Advisor of New York
18 Corporate Woods Boulevard
Albany, NY 12211
(518) 512-3021