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Career Counseling Corner: It’s Okay Not to Know!

By Cassandra Sparks, College Admissions Counselor

Let’s be real: There’s a lot of pressure to “have it all figured out” by the time you’re 16, 17, or 18 years old.

Maybe you’ve had family members, teachers, or well-meaning friends ask you, “So, what are you going to do with your life?” as if you should already have your 20-year plan neatly typed up and saved as an inspirational wallpaper on your laptop.

The truth is, it’s 100% okay not to have all the answers right now. In fact, not knowing is completely normal, and may even be preferable – embrace it!

Here’s why being uncertain is more than okay…it’s an opportunity!

Don’t Let Pressure Make the Decision for You

The people who care about you – your parents, teachers, mentors – will often share advice about your future. They have your best interests at heart, and some of what they say might be spot-on. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to follow the path they imagine for you.

Speaking as a former admissions counselor and career advisor, I can tell you that very few students stick with the same path from high school to college graduation. In fact, this point is supported by research by the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES) which indicates that at least 40% of college students change their major.  And 10% change their major twice!  Your college years are filled with exploration, growth, and eye-opening experiences. You’ll discover classes, opportunities, and even whole career fields you never knew existed. The journey is a thrill-ride, so buckle up and enjoy!

Listen to Yourself, Too

Believe me, I get the urge to listen to your elders. I’m a recovering people-pleaser myself, and I spent my first two years of college in a major I didn’t love because people I trusted said I’d be a great teacher. But my gut was sending up red flags, and deep down, I knew I wasn’t meant for the classroom.

Eventually, I tuned into my own instincts, listening to my heart on my way up to my brain. Halfway through my collegiate experience, I changed my major to Communication Studies, and to this day, more than 20 years later, it is still one of the best decisions I have ever made.

So, if your gut is telling you that a certain major or career isn’t for you, LISTEN! Trust yourself to make choices that align with your true passions, even if they’re different from what others expect. It’s your life and you know you best.

Exploration is Your Friend

If you don’t know exactly what you want to study, that’s okay! College is the perfect time to explore. In fact, many colleges encourage students to enter as Undeclared, giving you the freedom to take a variety of courses before choosing a major.

Imagine starting your college journey as if you were an explorer – every class is a fresh opportunity to discover what lights you up. If a course sounds intriguing, take it! You never know what you might fall in love with.

Pro Tip: Even if you’ve already declared a major, don’t hesitate to enroll in classes outside your chosen field. But first, always check with your academic advisor to make sure they fit into your schedule.

Keep an Open Mind – Talk to Everyone!

College is a melting pot of ideas, perspectives, and people. Take the time to have conversations with classmates who have different majors, backgrounds, and interests. You’ll be surprised at how much you learn about yourself when you’re open to other points of view.

There’s no better way to get a feel for what you might want to do (or avoid doing!) than by hearing about other people’s experiences. Sometimes, a casual conversation with a roommate, a professor, or a guest speaker can change your entire outlook.

Changing Your Mind Is Okay – It’s Part of the Process

Maybe you’ve started on one path and realize it’s not for you. Guess what? That’s normal! It’s not a sign of failure. It’s proof that you’re learning more about yourself and refining your goals.

Leave room to shift gears if something isn’t working. Changing your mind doesn’t mean you’re lost; it means you’re growing, and that’s what college is all about.

Finding Your Sweet Spot

Over time, you’ll find your “sweet spot” – that perfect balance of friends, activities, and classes that makes you feel like you’re in the right place. It won’t happen overnight, and that’s okay. Some of the most fulfilling careers are discovered after a period of exploration and uncertainty.

So, take the pressure off yourself. You don’t have to have it all figured out today, tomorrow, or even next year. You are allowed to change your mind and explore new possibilities as you grow and evolve.

So go ahead – explore, experiment, and embrace the unexpected. It’s okay not to know exactly where you’re headed, because in the end, you’re building a future that is uniquely you.

It’s All About the Fit

By Kathy Laberge, College Admissions Coach

Think about how you feel when your pants are a bit too tight. You can’t get comfortable; you keep squirming and fidgeting. Can you really concentrate? Or is there a constant irritation, perhaps undefined, but consistently annoying you and preventing you from giving your full focus to the task at hand? If it just doesn’t feel right that perpetual agitation will negatively influence your entire day.

The same holds true when a college is not the right fit for the student. Sure, students at a college that doesn’t serve them best will still earn an education. But is it the best education for them? Is it delivered in the most appropriate fashion for them to learn? Are they among fellow students with whom they are comfortable? Perhaps the campus culture is a bit too aggressively competitive for some. Conversely, the student who is driven to always win may be undermotivated at a school that focuses more on cooperative learning.

There are nearly six thousand colleges and universities in the United States. That translates into nearly six thousand different BAs in English or Psychology or Chemistry. Yet the degree requirements and focus of departmental faculty varies widely from institution to institution. These degrees are not equal. Perhaps the degree awarded from a wildly competitive school will be slightly more challenging than one from a more accessible college. Higher education’s deep dark secret though, is the quality of the education is fairly consistent. The people who earn faculty positions anywhere are each masters in their own fields. The experts are available at most any college. The job of the applicant is to determine which type of instruction suits them best. Materials taught will be fairly consistent across the board. The degrees are not equal in their methodology of pedagogy.

Knowing how you like to learn and knowing how you will enjoy your classroom and social interactions are critical to achieving the optimal campus experience. For juniors, April is the time to start evaluating your preferences. It is essential applicants visit campuses in person; it is the only way to learn the campus culture. Virtual tours can be informative and can even be used to rule out individual schools. But when it comes to selecting your home for the next four years, we really want you to make an informed decision.

This research and self awareness pay off when making a final college selection. The juniors who put in the work (junior year seems to be ALL ABOUT work!) to know what they need in a college will never regret that time and effort. It nearly eradicates the stresses involved in a final decision; the biggest problem is a wealth of terrific options. And if that’s your problem, then it’s one that many will covet.

April is an exciting month for students getting ready to finish high school and enroll in college. It’s actually the reward at the end of all the arduous work put into applications and coursework over the past year. Decisions from schools have been made, scholarship money has been distributed, all that’s left is to make a final selection. And how much fun is that?! The very same schools that made students hold their breaths while awaiting admission decesions are now enduring the same experience. They have a first-year class to fill and they need the numbers they anticipated.

Enter the Admitted Student Days. Colleges put on events in an effort to entice students to enroll. These programs are far more detailed, and far more enjoyable, than the presentation and campus tours already presented in large group demonstrations. Often accepted applicants are paired with a student to shadow for the day. The prospective first year student can attend classes, eat in the dining hall, and relax with current students during down time between classes. Often these days are arranged to coincide with big sporting events or other major celebrations on campus. There may be music on the quad with a picnic and prizes. It’s a party! The idea is to give the considering student a true taste of campus life.

At the College Advisor of New York our focus is fit. We take the time to learn about our students and guide them to schools that will meet all their needs, not only those of an academic nature. We factor in interests, skill strengths, and personality. This often means investigating colleges that do not flaunt fancy name brands but let’s be honest, no student has the time to research nearly six thousand schools!

The groundwork laid in the initial self reflection and campus touring all coalesces in April. April is fantastic, but a successful April hinges on a successful search process. And a successful search process begins with expert guidance toward the best colleges to fit any individual student.  Once again, we’re here to help.

How Test Optional Policies Have Punished Applicants

By Kathy Laberge, College Admissions Coach


Yes, punished. Colleges and universities like to say not requiring standardized tests has increased chances of admission for students across the board, especially for those from underserved communities and school districts. As I write this we are on the cusp of another Ivy Day, and at The College Advisor of New York we expect to see a repeat of the confusion served up to the Class of 2023.

Colleges and universities have certainly created quite a conundrum for themselves. One year ago, in reference to the cohort of highly selective schools referred to as Ivy Plus, I wrote: “These institutions have created their own monster. And while we may not sympathize with them, we must know how to navigate the new rules of the game.” This statement remains true in 2024. 

The pandemic necessitated a year or two with no standardized test scores. However, while Test Optional was once an admission plan offered by a few colleges, it is now the norm. Prior to 2020, colleges based admission decisions on first GPA and rigor of coursework, and then standardized test scores. Other factors such as essays and extracurriculars played a part in application review. Now, however, with the most comprehensive screening tool removed from the decision process colleges are forced to place more weight on the once secondary factors. 

Or so one might think. 

Competition between colleges is not limited to athletic fields and a capella vocal competitions. To appear selective in the allegedly omniscient rankings, schools must boast credentials other institutions cannot achieve. To remain selective a college must turn away an incredibly high percentage of its applicants. Test optional policies and the removal of supplemental essays serve to drive the total number of applicants ever higher. Students see how little effort is required to submit an application, so they opt to take a chance. 

If a school is large, or popular, or selective then it has become more highly competitive than ever before. Quite simply when application numbers go way up acceptance rates go way down. And when applications increase, a holistic review of submitted materials is far less likely. How can a student know how to present the best possible application to a certain school? How can they even know if such an application is worth their time? 

Furthermore, Test Optional policies created such a dramatic increase in application submissions that colleges are now suffering the consequences of their decisions. Admission offices are understaffed, and some are physically incapable of reviewing applications holistically. Some are even using Artificial Intelligence as the first reader of applications. Artificial Intelligence! Ask any professor what grade an AI generated project will earn!

An electronic decision-making tool will most definitively not generate a holistic review of applicants. If a potential student is automatically and categorically rejected due to a GPA that is statistically below the minimum used for screening purposes, then any counteracting strengths possessed by that applicant will not be seen or considered. Suppose they are an Olympic caliber athlete? Suppose they spent the last two years battling cancer? Suppose they work nearly a full-time job to support themselves and their family? I will always choose a student who has demonstrated grit over one boasting of an incredibly inflated GPA such as those often awarded by many American high schools.

The SAT/ACT once acted as a barrier to applying where chances of admission were slim. Data was readily available to inform students if their scores were in range. Certainly, high school students have always, and always should, apply to a few schools that would be a stretch. However, published SAT/ACT scores were used to guide students into not wasting time and application fees on hopeless submissions. Now solid professional guidance is needed more than ever to assist families in interpreting trends and admission odds. 

Furthermore, some schools like the selective University of California system, have gone test blind.  This means they refuse to consider the SAT/ACT altogether, which clearly punishes high performing students.  One of our brightest clients this year – a resident of California – was rejected at three University of California Universities.  He scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT but was not allowed to submit his scores.  Talk about punishment.  Clearly, this student would have excelled at most any college in the country. 

Two Ivy League schools and several other colleges have reinstated mandated standardized testing. Surely more will jump on that bandwagon. We think this is excellent news; it will lead to more thorough application reads for the students who are truly capable of the academic rigor required at elite colleges and universities.

In the shrouded rooms where decisions are made, some schools are still fully reading applications. Others are relying on electronic decision makers. How is a high school student or their parent to know which is which? How can an applicant strategize and present the most appealing application?

Ivy day has always instilled a mixture of excitement, trepidation, and dread in applicants. Yet students could console themselves by knowing the hard work required for a successful high school experience coupled with a careful and well written application would ensure they had presented their best selves. Acceptance was never assured, but a fair review was an unwritten promise. 

The days of preparing one application and submitting it to all colleges are in the past. To make admission most likely, each application needs an approach and presentation tailored to individual colleges. Solid guidance and expert advice is critical to this personalized approach.   So good luck, Class of 2024! And to the Class of 2025, we are here to help!

Kathy Counseling Ivy Day

Ivy Day Take Away

By Kathy Laberge, College Admissions Coach

On March 30th at 7 00 PM the Ivy League released their admission results and in doing so they added more fuel to the already raging fire of confusion about selective college admissions.

But let’s look beyond a collegiate athletic conference and consider the colleges and universities that boast of competitiveness and prestige that is consistently ranked among the best in the nation. These schools, often referred to as “Ivy Plus,” include Stanford, MIT, The University of Chicago, Duke, Cal Tech, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, Rice, and Washington University, among others. Perhaps they were not gridiron giants a century ago, but in 2023 they have cemented themselves among the most selective of schools in a country with no shortage of outstanding higher education institutions.

Fortunately, no College Advisor of New York student would ever apply to all the Ivies or “Ivy Plus” schools. Our counseling underscores the truth that a student at home in gritty (way) uptown Manhattan will likely not be satisfied in rural New Hampshire. The student who wants to take advantage of the glorious nature in western New York State will be distressed in urban Philadelphia.  That being said, if we have placed a college on your list of schools then you have every right to apply with optimism. We never suggest a student should apply to a school where they cannot achieve the academic expectations. We think you are capable of admission, though obviously not assured of the same. And we prepare our students that no one is admitted to all their institutions of this caliber.

Yet the number of applications at these colleges has nearly doubled in the past five years. Sadly, current applicants are riding the wave of covid induced confusion. The test optional policies that began during the pandemic have now become standard. High schools, determined to keep student morale high, enacted a strategy that included grade inflation at staggering levels. An impromptu massive experiment in education practices inspired innovation and creativity, but it could not alleviate the loss of learning and the emotional toll that took place during the pandemic. Consequently, the admission offices of selective colleges and universities are seeing an overwhelming increase in applications from students thinking “Hey! You never know.” As we all are aware – things have changed.

As the likelihood of applicant enrollment is gaining importance in the decision making process it is counteracted by a flood of applications from students who are unlikely to be able to complete the school’s academic coursework. Admissions offices are inundated with applicants, in some cases to the point of physical inability to deliver decisions on time. What’s an admission committee to do? How can informed and holistic decisions be made?

These institutions have created their own monster. And while we may not sympathize with them, we must know how to navigate the new rules of the game.

At The College Advisor of New York we have noticed some trends in how colleges assess applicants. Colleges are offering additional rounds of Early Action and Early Decision and at some schools, Early Decision is becoming the new Regular Decision. These practices are penalizing high school seniors. Even today, some colleges have yet to deliver Early Action admission decisions to students. Those results were expected in mid-December. Other schools are so eager to meet their yield goals, they are filling more and more of their first year classes in October and November, thereby restricting acceptance for the teenager who takes their time and truly thinks about where they will be happy or who wants to keep their options open.

Yes, there are strategies to increase your chances of admission. Yes, we can teach you how to submit an application that highlights all your achievements while introducing you to committees as a human being with passions and aspirations in addition to your stats and rankings. But our focus is always on the enigmatic concept of “fit.”  This year alone, we’ve had students admitted to Stanford and Yale, only to turn them down.  We’ve had others who happily selected their least selective, lowest ranked college over other great options.  Why you ask would someone turn down Stanford?  For many reasons.  But the overarching rationale is that they determined, after thoughtful reflection and some solid counseling by our staff, that they would have more opportunities for internships, faculty mentorship, social and athletic endeavors, and an overall better experience at their “safe” or “target” school.  In our humble opinion, this is the essence of college selection. Our clients did exceedingly well this season, and we are proud of them.  ALL of them had excellent options from which to choose at the end of the process.

Admissions has always employed both art and science to construct a new class. While it seems they have now added magic beans and Yahtzee dice to their judgment arsenal, they still hold all the power in the applicant vs institution game. At The College Advisor of New York we even that playing field and advocate for our students. Let us help your family beat them at their own game.

Today's College Admissions

Understanding The Three C’s of Today’s College Admissions

By Kathy Laberge, College Admission Coach

Today’s College Admissions

Every year many parents of our students express shock at the fact that they would not, today, be accepted into their own alma maters. The entire college application process has become more competitive, more costly, and more complicated than it was when we opened our doors and began counseling students more than 18 years ago.

Fierce Competition

The Ivy League Colleges, and many other popular/selective schools, have become extremely selective in today’s college admissions process. As one example, Colgate University’s applicant pool increased by more than 146% from 2019 to 2021. As a result, their acceptance rate decreased dramatically from 26% to 12%. Even Northeastern University in Boston – once a safe school for many – accepts only 7% of its applicants, as it now receives more than 96,000 applications. Factors such as grade inflation, the jettisoning of SAT and ACT scores, campus diversity goals, and complicated data mining have turned what was once a mundane rite of passage into the Hunger Games. Colleges intentionally entice a rising number of applications and want to protect or improve their yields—the percentage of accepted applicants who enroll. That yield is critical to the business of the university; it affects their bond rating, rankings, and the quality of their future first year classes. And it is driving many of the changes families are now experiencing.

For some perspective, consider that there are about 27,000 American high schools, ergo 27,000 valedictorians. Ivy League colleges admit about 18,300 freshmen. This means that not even all valedictorians are attending Ivy League schools. Although applications have increased by one-third or more during the last five years alone, available spaces have remained constant at the small set of elite institutions where class size has remained relatively unchanged for the past half century. Today there are simply more students applying to more schools. According to the Common Application, the average student now applies to 6 colleges, and overall, apps this year have increased by more than 36%. High achieving students often apply to 15 colleges, which we do NOT recommend. More importantly, thirty years ago, half of high school graduates were applying to college. Today nearly two-thirds of graduation classes submit applications.

With the huge increase in applications, yields have decreased, so some colleges are now tracking student interaction and using that data in their decision-making processes. The staff knows precisely when prospective students opened an email from the school, how long they spent reading it, and whether they clicked through to any links. They know how long a student spends looking at their website and even at what point in their high school years they began researching their college. Admissions officers say information on demonstrated interest is generally used to decide on borderline candidates and select those most likely to enroll. At The College Advisor of New York, we teach our students how to establish relationships with their college admissions representatives.  We help them understand the various strategies to help them boost their demonstrated interest score. If they follow our advice then they can impact their admission decisions.

Complicated and Stressful

We want our students to stretch themselves, but grade inflation means almost half of American high school students now graduate with an “A” average. The SAT has been redesigned twice since 2016 and another major change is taking place in 2024. Most importantly, the Covid-19 pandemic created a need for test optional admissions. As test scores and GPAs hold less sway, admissions offices are searching for other metrics. This has evolved into the story that softer, more subjective items are deciding factors in admission, and this fiction is another factor in the increase of applications submitted by graduating seniors.  That notion is simply not true at the top 60 or so most competitive colleges and universities. However, at many of the 2,000 4-year colleges across the United States, more than half of the applicants are admitted. The fluctuation in scores and testing protocols makes it more difficult for applicants to properly manage their applications and for admissions staff to assess applicants.

All of this elicits many more questions for our families: Should my child take the SAT at all? Should he try the ACT? What’s a “good” score? To which colleges should he send his test scores? Will my applications be competitive? This is why guidance, goal setting, and reality checks are the cornerstones of our program.


Campus visits, once critical for the student in deciding where to apply, have evolved into costly demonstrated interest campaigns used by admission committees in decision making. One college visit can easily cost families over $1,000. If the prospective campus requires an airplane then that cost can easily triple. The price of application submission ranges from fifty to one hundred dollars per school, meaning merely sending in applications can easily cost over $1,000 for an average student and $2,000 for those who have submitted multiple applications to “Hail Mary schools.” We help our clients save money on these visits by targeting colleges that will be a good fit early in the process. Our staff has collectively visited more than 600 colleges, so we can filter students’ lists significantly, thereby saving our clients time and money.

More importantly, there are now 60 plus colleges that cost more than $80,000/year or more than $320,000 over 4 years. Even public colleges are approaching $30,000/year, and out of state publics now approach $60,000/year in many states. Understanding financial aid and scholarships early in the process – as our clients do – decreases overall costs.

Fixing Today’s College Admissions

So wouldn’t it be nice if colleges would stop advertising to students who have no hope of admission, simply because they want to pad their applicant count? Wouldn’t some clarity of academic expectation in admissions help alleviate all these needless applications and their ensuing literal and psychological cost? Overwhelmed admission officers end up quickly scanning files or deferring early action applicants to the regular admission pool. The confusion generated by these new practices is placing an enormous emotional toll on students.  The students themselves are trying to hedge their bets by applying to more and more colleges. At The College Advisor of New York, we say “Please! No!” You need to be more thoughtful. Admission isn’t the lottery, and fantasizing “You never know, I could get in” is the wrong mindset. We DO know. Let’s focus on quality over quantity. You can only enroll in one school so let’s carefully manage the selection and application process to find the student’s best fit at the best price.

One More College Visit? Yes!

By Deb Coco, College Admissions Coach

The February doldrums are very real in the lives of high school seniors.  The applications were submitted long ago and the waiting is now all but agonizing.  It does feel like a helpless few months, but the window is closing in on the letters you’ve been waiting for and over the next 5-6 weeks, things will begin to take shape.

Acceptances are exciting; you’ve worked hard for them!  I still remember when my daughters opened theirs, and I now love receiving “I GOT IN!” emails from my students.  Your hard work comes full circle.  But that “fat” envelope – or online portal message – contains more than just your letter of acceptance.  It may have merit aid information (if “X” school awards merit scholarships, but there is also most likely an invitation to something called “Accepted Student Day.”

Often, this gets tossed aside with the envelope in all the excitement. You KNOW college “X” is the school of your dreams so why would you visit AGAIN?  Enter a letter from school “Y” with not only an acceptance, but a fairly substantial scholarship.  As Dr. Dean always says, “it’s nice to be wanted” especially with a merit award that will defray the cost of your overall tuition.  “X” dream school offered nothing, (but it is your #1 choice) and “Y” school offers both, but it is lower down on your list.  What they both offer is a chance to level the playing field by opting IN to their Accepted Student Days. 

These events were darkened by the pandemic, but they are back and we are so happy because these visits are extremely valuable.  Accepted Student Days welcome their admitted pool of freshman so you can take another look with a fresh set of eyes.  And believe me, it will look different in the spring . . . there will be Frisbee on the quad, the campus will be buzzing with activity, and you will know you are just a few months from possibly being one of those students – it is intoxicating.  From personal experience, Admitted Student Days played a crucial role in my own daughters’ school choices; they had good options and were just “betwixt and between.”  Some colleges and universities just knock this day out of the park.  They roll out the red carpet, open the athletic buildings, dining halls, auditoriums, residence halls AND will let you attend lectures.  This was ultimately what swayed my children; hearing from some top faculty in their fields of study.  They left knowing “if I might be in that professor’s class, this is where I want to be!” What a WONDERFUL feeling.

So, yes, it is one more visit and it can be time consuming.  However, you are looking at four very expensive years and you’ve worked hard to get this far; it is worth taking the time to truly seal the deal with confidence.  I’ve heard more than a few stories from students who have met their freshman roommates during these days . . . they are well attended and worth it.  And, on the flip side, you might find out that a school you thought looked incredible in September, has lost its bloom – this happens too.  That is never time wasted! 

We are closing in on the final stressful weeks.  Hang tight, think positive, and do not delete that Accepted Student Day Invitation!

Test Optional Admissions

Test Optional Admissions: How it’s Changed College Admissions For All

Since the Pandemic, test optional admissions policies have become increasingly popular in the world of college admissions. The vast majority of colleges now have test optional or test blind policies. These policies allow applicants to decide whether or not to submit their standardized test scores (such as the SAT or ACT) as part of their college application. This can be a beneficial option for students who may not perform well on standardized tests, but excel in other areas such as GPA, extracurricular activities, or personal essays. There is, however, a major, unintended consequence of test optional admissions policies: They have resulted in selective colleges – and other popular schools – experiencing dramatic increases in applications. This, in turn, has caused those colleges to be much more competitive.

Test Optional Admissions: SAT STyle

Not requiring the SAT or ACT has made it easier for students who may not perform well on standardized tests to apply to colleges. These students may have previously been discouraged from applying to selective colleges due to their test scores, but test optional policies allow them to still be considered for admission based on their other strengths and accomplishments. This has led to an increase in the number of applications to selective colleges, as more students are able to apply without the burden of high test scores.

Test optional policies have also led to an increase in the number of diverse applicants to selective colleges. Standardized tests have been shown to disproportionately favor students from certain racial and socio-economic backgrounds, and test optional policies have helped to level the playing field for students from underrepresented groups. This has increased the diversity of the applicant pool at selective colleges, leading to a decrease in selectivity as more students are able to meet the admissions criteria.

Qualified Applicants?

Finally, test optional policies have also led to an increase in the number of applications from students who may not have otherwise applied to selective colleges. Some students may be hesitant to apply to selective colleges due to the perceived competitiveness of the admissions process, but test optional policies may make these schools seem more accessible and encourage more students to apply.

Test optional admissions policies have had a significant impact on the college admissions process, increasing the number of applications and decreasing selectivity at popular, selective colleges. This is one reason why it’s critical for students and families to look beyond the rankings and the brand name schools to find colleges that are a great fit for them. Doing so will increase admissions choices as well as scholarships. At The College Advisor of New York, we work with students to gain admission to selective colleges, while also helping them find “hidden gems,” so that every student has excellent options.

Making Peace With 2021 Admission Results

By Kathy Laberge, College Admission Coach 

Dear Class of 2021, 

It isn’t you, it’s them.  Only the colleges know what they were seeking in a freshman class this year. You have every right to be baffled, disappointed even. This was an extremely confusing year for both applicants and colleges. 

Not a day goes by when our staff doesn’t share stories of our students. We have mentored, pushed (maybe even shoved,) and cheered you on.  Over an admission season we may share our delight in a particular essay or bounce application strategies off one another. And now, in April, we share our excitement at admissions and scholarships, and, also discuss our dismay at a disappointing rejection. We gaze into our crystal balls trying to determine why Princeton accepted an applicant, but Brown did not. Why did Harvard take a student, but that same student was denied at Northeastern?  

These answers are held secret in comfortable conference rooms (and confidential Zoom meetings). Building an incoming class is akin to practicing medicine, a combination or art and science. Every admission officer from highly selective colleges we have ever spoken with has told us they turn away hundreds, even thousands, of viable candidates each year. Colleges decide where to weight their admits and those factors vary annually. Some years they may need more high GPA students, others may be focused on increasing diversity, and other years may demand more students who will pay the full tuition tab. Their decision is not based upon who they want to admit; they are forced to decide which students they must turn away. In short, each year they extend a place in the class to students who meet their needs and those they deem most likely to accept an offer of admission.   

This year the most selective colleges reported some of the lowest acceptance rates in history. Harvard saw a 42% increase in applications and MIT had 66% more applicants than last year. Even New York University, housed in a city plagued by Covid-19, saw an increase of 20%. Admission officers were overwhelmed by the sheer number of applications. Some colleges called in retired employees to review the applications and others had to give shorter looks to submissions. 

Why did we see this increase in applications? Did students reach for dream schools because they were test optional? It is said standardized tests provide a common denominator. They can serve as a triage tool, a way for admission officers to not assess the curriculum at every high school from which an applicant emerges. In a year when many candidates could not submit standardized test scores how can a student be blamed for taking a wild shot at an Ivy? We suspect 2020 offered students time to make their sole extracurricular activity applying to colleges, even though the time and effort required to prepare those applications is astonishing. You can’t win it if you’re not in it, right? Our students were spared this ordeal, but we weep for all the wasted time, money, and emotion that was expended on crap shoot applications.  

The first meeting at The College Advisor of New York is spent stressing our commitment to finding a student’s right fit. We know there are more than (the top) twenty-five excellent institutions of higher learning in this country. A terrific education is available at countless colleges and universities. Competition for faculty positions is fierce and we proudly number some former students on numerous campuses as faculty. Our confidence is not misplaced, we know firsthand how extraordinary these people are.  In fact, the vast majority of our clients were admitted to most of their schools. The “top twenty-five” are overrated.

In a year where lengthy college waitlists are the norm and highly selective colleges have turned away so many promising young adults, we urge you to maintain perspective. College will be grand. You will learn astonishing amounts of information, discover passions you never knew you had, and make lifelong friends. 

It isn’t you. It’s them. So, perhaps they didn’t tender an offer of admission to you. And that? Is their loss. 

Getting to know you was our privilege. 

Dean, Barbara, Ann, Beth, Erin, Deb and Kathy 

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

By Kathy Laberge, College Admissions Coach 

At the College Advisor of New York we are grinning in anticipation. This is the time of year we launch our writing season and we simply cannot wait!

Every coach on our staff devotes substantial effort to know their students well. When an applicant demonstrates their candidacy in an articulate, convincing, and original fashion they increase their chances for admission. As we have discussed in prior blog posts, this year we believe application essays will be of utmost importance to colleges. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced high schools into several unfortunate situations for the Class of 2021. These students, many of whom have been wholeheartedly devoted to their studies for the past several years, now find themselves without the concrete evidence of their earned success. Our staff is eager to reap the rewards of all this dedication. Our commitment to our students and our students’ commitment to their goals is sure to shine a spotlight on our applicants this fall in college admission offices. 

Coaching the Essay Process

The College Advisor of New York staff teaches our students how to demystify the varied writing statements and supplemental essays that are intrinsic to college applications. As admission professionals, we know exactly what colleges want to see in student writing. Equally important, we know what colleges do not want to see. We also understand that one size does not fit all, and therefore we coach our students to the best approach for each individual college. Every college application offers multiple, sometimes obscure, opportunities for personal comment. We know where to find these mysterious gems and how to employ them to the best advantage of our clients. Best of all, we think this is a lot of fun!

Our office has helped students write thousands of essays and no two are ever alike. There is no recognizable style or pattern we promote. Every student and every essay receives a deliberate, thoughtful approach, so the finished product is unique and personal. While we speak extensively with our clients before a pen ever touches paper (or a fingertip touches a key) we do operate by a set of guidelines. 

Colleges want to hear an authentic voice.

They also expect a writing sample commensurate with the other components of the student’s application and transcript. Parental editing and rewriting are visible within the first one hundred words. Revisions demanded by rubric minded English teachers do not serve our students well. Essays that are so reworked they are excruciatingly formal and formulaic are boring and tortured. Our students write essays that cause application readers to wake up and take notice. As a college writing coach that makes me very proud. 

Admission officers like college applicants

Students and parents often overlook one important piece of information. Here is the secret: Admission officers truly like college applicants. They appreciate every applicant,  and they want to admit every student. Their job is difficult because they need to choose which qualified members of their pool will not receive an offer of admission.

We are lucky to not suffer that problem at our office. We get to revel in the quirks of all our students. We are spectators to their self-discovery. We lead students from thinking of themselves as passive teenagers to sovereign and self-reliant young adults. We just finished celebrating our seniors from the Class of 2020 and we eagerly anticipate starting the process all over again.  

What will college campuses look like in the Fall of 2020?

By Kathy Laberge, College Admission Coach

That is an excellent question and one that is prominent in the minds of high school seniors, current college students, administrators, and faculty. One reputable higher ed survey indicates 10% of high school students no longer plan to attend a four-year university. This strikes fear in the heart of colleges and universities. Their business is education, and be assured, higher education is indeed a business.

Many colleges insist they will be open in the fall, even if only for distance instruction.

They are, understandably, not making firm announcements about residential opening just yet, but are busy planning for a variety of scenarios ranging from fully closed campuses to a return to life as usual. Asking for full tuition while not providing full value is obviously unattractive to parents and students. Conducting classes is required for economic survival and closed campuses mean an abrupt decline in income when classes, athletics, performances, and facility rentals no longer exist. The infamous packed lecture halls and crammed residence hall triples are not likely to happen this year, but colleges want and need their students to return.

Interactions between faculty and students cannot be replaced by virtual classrooms.

Lack of physical proximity widens the gap between faculty and student. Remote instruction allows students to multitask, chat, web surf, and tune out if the material is uninteresting. Conducting instruction off campus will significantly hamper the phenomenon known as the college experience. Yet proximity to fellow students is suddenly unsafe. Colleges are scrambling to compile the best solutions.  As they design a return to an open campus, administrators are considering that young adults generally do not suffer a severe impact of COVID-19. Campuses know they need to have testing and tracing measures in place.  Mass communications systems that enable instant community wide notifications already exist. Mask wearing can be enforced, handwashing can be strongly encouraged. Travel restrictions on faculty and students and staff can be put in place. The health gamble is a different story for faculty and other adults who interact with students; they are at a much higher risk. Yet data minded decision makers may choose to mitigate that risk with more brain than heart.

Creative potential options being discussed on campuses throughout the country include:

  • The fall semester may begin with distance learning and a plan to transition into residential instruction can be in place. It is far simpler for students and faculty to adjust from remote to live than it is to accommodate an unexpected campus exodus.
  • Fall start dates may be delayed to October, November, or even January. Conducting the spring semester 2021 during the summer months is a possibility, and it would be helpful in keeping students on track for graduation within the traditional four-year course of study.
  • Hybrid learning is another option. Creating physical distance between students in classrooms is not terribly challenging. Instruction content for large lecture classes could be delivered both online and in smaller groups. Lecture halls filled with hundreds of students are not essentially conducive to interaction so there would be a decreased impact in this scenario assuming faculty access remains in place.
  • Shorter class terms may be successful, and they are already in place at a number of institutions. A semester of sixteen weeks may become a quartet of four-week terms. This academic calendar allows a deep dive into a subject. The study is intensive but flexible. Multiple beginning and end dates naturally lend themselves to interruptions and decrease the impact of an abrupt campus closure
  • Classes may be presented in a more seminar-style setting with fewer students per section and substantial physical free space around each student.
  • Campus returns may be staggered with freshmen arriving first and upperclassmen arriving later as they, presumably, can jump right back into learning. First year success is a predictor of graduation and this option allows freshmen to adapt to campus life with substantial support.

College offers far more than instruction.

Students spend a precious few hours in classrooms and far more time interacting in collaborative study or recreation. Closed campuses restrict research opportunities and forbid study abroad programs. Many students view the social component of college as an irreplaceable and indelible part of the campus experience. Campus traditions are intrinsic to the college experience. Student activities encourage interaction between like-minded peers. They are an opportunity to learn concurrently with students who share interests and passions, and they are an important component in campus life.

If a substantial number of high school graduates of 2020 choose to take a gap year, then colleges will be forced to handle essentially two incoming freshman classes. Colleges have already committed to the students who were initially to have arrived in August of 2020. We believe this population crunch indicates a more competitive admission process for the Class of 2021.

Happily, colleges and universities are intrinsically adept at nimble thinking.

This is the essence of what they represent! And under current conditions, they are strongly motivated to adapt and create innovative solutions.  It may look different than years past, but we are confident campuses will be accessible and students will thrive.